Uncompress tar.gz tar.bz2 the easy way.

Usually uncompressing a tar'ed compressed file requires the use of two utility and pipe '|' through each other. Today, I found an easy way to to that.


to extract tar.bz2 , we use  bzip2 -cd files.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -   and so with .gz files

the easy way is this way,

tar xvzf file-1.0.tar.gz - to uncompress a gzip tar file (.tgz or .tar.gz)
tar xvjf file-1.0.tar.bz2 - to uncompress a bzip2 tar file (.tbz or .tar.bz2)
tar xvf file-1.0.tar - to uncompressed tar file (.tar)
  • x = eXtract, this indicated an extraction c = create to create )
  • v = verbose (optional) the files with relative locations will be displayed.
  • z = gzip-ped; j = bzip2-zipped
  • f = from/to file ... (what is next after the f is the archive file) 

Try out, cause i've already try it out and it works.


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