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Nokia N8 and Proxy

Ok, seems that i found how to do it. It does take a while but it should be no prob for other symbian users unlike me (first timer). Here's how.

Step 1
Goto Connectivity Menu
Menu Button - Settings - Connectivity

Step 2
Add new Access Point (continue from above)
Settings - Destinations

Step 3
Set the new Access Point
1) Select Access Point to add new access point.
2) Select Yes for "Automatically check ......"
3) Select WLAN for wifi & choose your corporate Access Point
4) Select Internet to assign it to Internet group.

Step 4
1) Go back to menu in Step 2
2) Select Internet.
3) Select the new Access Point that you've added in Step 3 & it will give the details of it.
4) Select Options - Advanced Settings
5) And you should see IPv4, IPv6 and Proxy settings menu.
Another way is using the Nokia Configuration Tools 6.0 which also support N8 but this one you'll need it to install on a desktop to configure your N8's profile.

Hope this helps. Happy trying.


TC said…
Where did you find the setting for username and password for proxy server on the N8?

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