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Showing posts from August, 2008

Search oracle 'ghost' or hang connection with sql.

Here's a quick sql on how to search for session details including their running sql. The sql statement is as below : select a.terminal, a.program, a.username, to_char((a.last_call_et/3660),990.99) LastCall, a.logon_time, a.sql_hash_value, decode(a.sql_hash_value,'0',null,(select b.sql_text from v$sql b where b.hash_value = a.sql_hash_value and rownum = 1)) SQL_statement from v$session a where a.terminal like '%' order by 4 desc; a.terminal - machine name a.program - what program taht make connection to our database. LastCall - last time this connection make an sql call. The column is in seconds so we devide with 3660 to convert it to hours. a.logon_time - logon time for this particular connection. a.sql_hash_value - the key to link between v$sql & v$session. Just for checking purpose. SQL_statement - sql statement called by this connection. So, basically this sql will retrieve all connections sorted by 'LastCall' since i w...